Archive for the Cloud Computing Category

Unique challenges of the multi cloud

Unique challenges of the multi cloud

The multicloud is growing in popularity. But the use of multiple cloud platforms yields its own unique challenges. Cloud computing was originally intended to simplify IT through standardization, consolidation and centralisation. However current companies are moving into a more fragmented IT landscape in which an on-premise IT

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Microsoft focusing on the business market

Microsoft focusing on the business market

Microsoft is increasingly focusing on the business market. Even technologies that were primarily intended for the consumer market now seem to be developed for the business market. Like other tech companies Microsoft understands that profit margins are higher in the business market and companies are prepared to

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Move your business private cloud to public cloud

Move your business private cloud to public cloud

Companies are increasingly giving up on private cloud and are making greater use of services such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Compute. This also applies to hybrid cloud systems. Why do companies do this and when is a private cloud still suitable? Yahoo which

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Microsoft Office 365 Advantages

Microsoft Office 365 Advantages

You have probably heard about Microsoft Office 365. But is Microsoft Office 365 the solution for your business? It probably is. Microsoft Office 365 can make your employees work together in a more efficient way. Below we give you the most important advantages of Microsoft Office 365. Microsoft Office 365

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Hybrid Cloud Computing Services

Hybrid Cloud Computing Services

Hybrid cloud computing is a mixture of cloud services combined together with traditional local servers. It normally uses a mix of on-site, private cloud and public cloud services together to create one IT infrastructure for an organisation. Applications are no longer required to be run on local

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