Private AI for Viva Connections for Intranet

A modern intranet is nowadays a dynamic and fully digital workplace. It is indispensable for daily work in your business and makes a working day more productive and more inspiring. In this blog we discuss Private AI for Viva Connections for Intranet.

Meet Viva Connections

MS Viva Connections has developed into a robust and future-proof communication platform. It helps you keep all your colleagues up to date and involved and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams. The addition of private AI makes this intranet solution even more intuitive and relevant for every colleague.

Private AI and the intranet

But how does private AI for an intranet work in practice? Below we share a number of examples of how AI can be used to enrich your intranet:

  • Advanced search function: Ask complex questions and get answers immediately from all documents and knowledge bases within your intranet.
  • An AI-powered personal virtual assistant on the homepage of your intranet, which you can consult for HR questions or document searches.
  • An AI chatbot specifically for IT support that provides immediate answers to (technical) IT questions, reducing the pressure on your IT helpdesk and promoting self-service within the organisation.

These applications of AI within Viva Connections not only make information more accessible, but also contribute to job satisfaction within your organisation through fast and efficient support.

Intranet privacy and security

When implementing private AI solutions, data within the Microsoft 365 and Viva environment is used. Privacy and security are crucial, especially with the rise of AI. Thanks to Microsoft’s continued investments in AI and security technologies, an intranet based on Viva Connections meets the highest standards of data security and compliance. Microsoft 365 and Viva’s advanced security measures, including role-based access controls, granular access rights within SharePoint, and robust security, compliance, and identity verification protocols, ensure optimal security for your intranet.

Private AI for Viva Connections for Intranet

Viva Connections: a connecting platform

MS Viva Connections offers your organisation a connecting platform. It forms the core of your organisation and offers employees access to relevant company information, news and inspiration. It also contributes to the further growth and development of your colleagues and your organisation. Private AI will further stimulate this in an intuitive way by offering relevant and personalised information.

The future of Viva Connections and private AI

The future of the intranet with Viva Connections is promising. With the integration of private AI, the platform becomes even more intuitive, personal and relevant. It helps your colleagues to work (together) pleasantly. You now have all the tools to increase the involvement of your colleagues even further. As we prepare for 2024, it’s clear that the way we work and communicate is about to fundamentally change, all thanks to the capabilities of AI.

Tech-Wales MS 365 consultancy

At Tech-Wales we are experts in integrating MS Office 365 into your organisation including setting up MS Viva making your computer system work for you. Our Microsoft 365 consultancy services and Business IT Support can benefit your business and will save you time and money. Feel free to contact us today to discuss your requirements to take your collaboration to a new level.