Office 365 explained & Training Tips

Microsoft Office 365 especially for business customers is a very different software package than the stand alone MS Office package that we have known for years. Previously the MS Office package was only known as a stand alone version since the last century when it was first being introduced. The most recent version is Office 2016. However now there is also Office 365 which is a subscription version that was launched in 2011 and is increasing in popularity every year.

Differences between Office 365 and traditional Office Packages

Office 2016 is sold in the traditional way. You will simply buy the software package and a licence to use the software. Updates are included in the price. However if a new MS Office package is introduced with new features and functionality, for example Office 2019 or Office 2021, you will have to buy a new software package and a new licence to use the new software package.

Office 365 works different. As a business you pay a yearly subscription to use the MS Office 365 package. This does not only include all the (security) updates but also new features and functionality. This way you will always have access to the latest Office package with all its features.

This subscription model has got advantages like you only pay what you use. When you don’t need a licence any more simply cancel the subscription to save costs.

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Office 365 explained & Training Tips

Microsoft Office 365 Training Tips

Most of your staff will know how to use MS Office packages weather you are using Office 365 or traditional MS Office packages. However there are a lot of features which a lot of professionals do not know about. There is a free online Microsoft Training Center available online. It offers a great library of training material. There is a great variety of knowledge available from basics to tips to full training courses and all for free. This training center is a great resource base for all organisations form small to large businesses. All traditional Microsoft Office programs like Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint are covered but also Access, OneDrive and SharePoint. This is a great addition to your staff knowledge skills to make sure they use all the features from the powerful Office 365 package.

Tech-Wales Microsoft Office 365 Consultancy Services

At Tech-Wales we can help you to make even more of your MS Office 365 package. Tech-Wales Microsoft Office 365 consultancy services offers you to transform your Office 365 package into a custom build application to enhance your workflows and business. At Tech-Wales can also completely incorporate your brand into the package so the package will be themed and styled to match your brand. We can integrate electronic forms which will store information in your central system and integrate all your workflows into Office 365 so you will have a one package admin system.

Contact us today to start developing your custom made Office 365 package.