Multi-cloud identity management with MS Entra

Microsoft has announced MS Entra, a suite of identity management solutions designed to simplify securing a multi-cloud environment. This will make Multi-cloud identity management easier with MS Entra.

It can be quite complicated to manage multiple standalone security solutions. Cloud security, especially how to handle security in a more complex multi-cloud structure is always a re-occurring theme. MS Entra is a series of security solutions that should encompass the big picture of identity management. Consolidating security tools helps reduce costs by 60 percent without sacrificing security strength.

What is Decentralised Identity?

Decentralised identity is an innovative approach that is changing the way individuals, organisations and devices communicate digitally. A transparent and secure identity trust is central to this. Users have full control over their digital identity and associated data. Unlike centralised systems, the decentralised approach provides protection for privacy and online interactions over a secure network, typically based on blockchain, distributed ledger technology, or public/private key cryptography.

Multi-cloud identity management with MS Entra


Workload identities control access to apps and services. Among other things, the function can detect whether an account has been compromised and automatically deny access. Identity Governance also provides automated identity checks across multiple entry points. Finally, there’s Purview, which protects and classifies sensitive data from Microsoft 365 applications.

Tech-Wales Cloud Computing

At Tech-Wales we provide excellent cloud computing services. We are experts in MS 365 Consultancy and use MS 365 Power Platform  to write software applications for your business. Do not hesitate and contact us today to discuss.