Cyber Security Awareness Month October

October is cyber security awareness month, a theme that actually deserves attention every day. How do you ensure that your colleagues are and remain security-minded? In this blog Tech-Wales will give you practical tips to approach security and safety awareness in a pragmatic way.

Why is cybersecurity awareness crucial?

With the increase in remote working and the constant connection to the internet, the security of digital workplaces and IT environments is more important than ever. Cyber threats are not only increasing, but also becoming more sophisticated. Also compliance with laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is essential. The financial and reputational damage of a data breach can be immense.

How safe is your digital workplace really?

Before you increase the security awareness of your employees, it is crucial to know how safe your digital workplace actually is. A security scan can provide insight into the current security level and help improve security. Some must-have security components are:

  • Enable multi-factor authentication for all users within your organisation (this prevents 99.9% of account attacks).
  • Ensure up-to-date software and the latest security updates in your entire IT environment.
  • Implement end-to-end security (encryption) and passwordless authentication solutions.
  • Facilitate the use of a password manager for your employees.
  • Make backups and perform regular recovery tests.

Cyber Security Awareness Month October

How do you keep your digital workplace and IT environment safe?

Cybercriminals make clever use of new technologies and we are confronted with advanced attacks, such as QR code phishing. Attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). That is why 24/7 real-time security monitoring, analysis, response and optimisation is essential. A security operations center is indispensable today to stay ahead of attacks.

Creating awareness among employees

The foundation of a security-minded culture lies in the awareness of every colleague. This starts with the onboarding program, but the key lies in continuity and consistency.

  • Education and training: Regular, interactive training sessions keep employees alert to the latest cyber threats and strategies, with real-life scenarios anchoring the knowledge.
  • Secure way of working (together): ensure that employees know and apply the organisational cybersecurity measures, such as recognising malicious emails and securely sharing files.
  • Simulation of attacks: Simulated phishing attacks test and strengthen employee alertness while providing insight into areas of concern.
  • Open communication: Create a safe environment in which employees dare to report suspicious activities and ask questions about cybersecurity.
  • Appreciation: Express appreciation to colleagues who proactively contribute to cybersecurity for your organisation.
  • Internal communication: regular updates and reminders via various internal communication channels keep employees aware of the importance of cybersecurity.

Security awareness tip

A golden rule is: Doubt everything. This is also called the zero trust security principle. If you do not trust an email, please contact your IT department or IT partner immediately. Preventing security incidents is a joint effort.

Tech-Wales Cyber Security

To adequately secure your organisation, it is important that you understand the different types of risks it can be exposed to. Understanding the threat areas, creating a sound telecommuting policy and remediation plan, as well as investing in a strong cybersecurity solution are useful ways to protect your organisation against cybercriminals.

At Tech-Wales we offer excellent cyber security services and cyber security consulting for your business. Also have a look at  disaster recovery services. Do not leave your cyber security to chance and contact us today!